DWU Lake Fork Pump Station Valve Vaults and Yard Piping

  Lake Fork, Texas

Lake Fork Pump Station Valve Vaults and Yard Piping

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The Lake Fork Pump Station was built by the Dallas Water Utilities to keep up with growing demand in North Texas. This project consisted of an onshore raw water pump station with intake structures founded at a depth of approximately 65-feet below existing grade. Associated facilities included a retaining wall at the head of the intake channel (over 50-feet high), discharge pipelines with a meter vault, a chlorine and ammonia building, a switchgear building, a communications tower, and related pavements. NDM provided planning, structural engineering, and design for below grade valve vault structures and yard piping for the 240 MGD Lake Fork raw water pump station. The valve vaults are large enough to house valves and piping for 108-inch diameter steel discharge piping.